Discord bot made in Java

A custom bot made using JDA(Java Discord Api) with 12+ basic functionalities and few more.


Command List With There Functionalities

Command Function
!help embed which returns helpfully information to operate this bot
!hello responds with a hello message
!mention used to mention the user(ping specific user)
!setrole used to give/set role for a user
!react used to react under a certain message (bot reacts)
!dm bot direct message’s the user
!create_text_channel creates new voice channel
!create_category creates new category
!invite generates a new limited 24hr invite link
!clear clears the amounts of messages for you limited upto 100(discord api limit)
!ban bans a user from discord server
!kick kicks a user from discord server
!unban unbans the user from server
!embed generates a sample embed
  • more Functions coming soon.


App Screenshot





Install by building it in your ide insert the token in two places firstly in Main.java

change ->

public static void main(String[] args) {
        jdaBuilder = JDABuilder.createDefault("your token");

and then in config file

  • open config.yml

change ->

token = "your token"
#(without the Apostrophes)


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at Sandeshkadam213@gmail.com